Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo

  • Date Published: March 19, 2020
  • Last Edited: March 19, 2020
  • Topic(s): Video games, Sony, Playstation 4

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo is available on the Playstation 4 store. 

Square Enix announced in 2015 that they were in the development of creating a remake of Final Fantasy 7. After five years, it’s finally about to be released, and many people have been anticipating this moment. 

For now, Square Enix has allowed fans and newcomers alike to download a free demo on the Playstation Store. View the video below to see the full gameplay of the demo available. For more information about the demo and hands-on experience, view the text below the video.

The file itself weighs under 9 gigabytes and comes with a campaign mode. For an experienced player, it is a little over an hour of content to complete. From what is shown, everything is very well done and nothing short of a triple-A title. 

Every character has a charming personality; animations are fluid (hair looks incredible), the dialogue is intriguing, the voice acting is superb, fighting enemies are great, UI is very nice; most of what makes a great game stand out is right here.

What’s disappointing is the difference between Classic and Normal mode. Classic mode is misleading because it’s not classic JRPG style gameplay. It’s a more relaxed version of Normal mode, which is a modernized take on the traditional role-playing formula. Consisting mostly of hack and slash attacking with a magic select system.

Battling enemies gets taking used to at first, but switching between characters in battle is fun. They are allowing players to take advantage of their potential during certain moments facing enemies. The particle effects are so beautiful they remind me of Disneylands Electric Parade. 

How do you feel about the demo? Let us know in the comments below, and I hope that you are doing well and being safe! Stay inside, and spend time with your loved ones.